5 Chicken Meal Plans for $5
Here are 5 easy chicken recipes and meal plans you can make for your family for $5 or less! They’re quick and easy, so you’ll get out of the kitchen fast and they’ll make it easier to save on your food bill! These chicken recipes are from our Dining On A Dime Cookbook, Volume 1.
These meal plans are designed with easy chicken recipes. The first night, you will start out with a whole chicken (Yes! You can use store-bought rotisserie). Then, you’ll find different chicken meal options you can use with the leftovers. You don’t have to make the meals in the order listed. Pick and choose and see what is easiest for you for each day.
Here's What's Included:
Shopping List
Breakfast, Lunch, Snack Ideas and Dinners including
3 Ingredient Roast Chicken
Easy Chicken Fajitas
Easy Mexican Chicken
Easy Chicken Barley Soups
Easy Chicken and Dumplings