Thank you for your interest in donating to help bring free Bibles to people through our work here.
Unfortunately, due to an overwhelming amount of fraudulent orders, we have decided to temporarily suspend the free Bible offer. Despite our best efforts to manually review each request, the scammers' tactics have become too sophisticated, consuming more time than we can manage. We may offer it again in the future if we can figure out a better way to block the fraudulent free Bible orders.
For this reason, we are not accepting Bible donations at this time.
We have decided, for now, to continue offering Bibles for sale at our cost ($10 includes a Bible plus shipping) so they are still available for purchase at a low cost, but we will no longer be offering them free.
We greatly appreciate your participating up to now in helping us being free Bibles to people who need them. Your support has been invaluable, and we have received countless messages from people whose lives have been touched by the Bibles you've helped provide.
Thank you again and may God bless you! Mike, Tawra and Jill