Penny Pinching Mama: 500 Ways I Lived On $500 A Month EBOOK

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What do you do when your Wal-Mart list is bigger than your wallet?

Do you find it difficult making ends meet?

Are you feeling overwhelmed deciding whether to buy your kid's shoes or pay the water bill?


You are not alone!

As a single mother of two, best selling author Jill Cooper started her own business without any capital and paid off $35,000 debt in 5 years on $1,000 a month income.

She then raised two teenagers alone on $500 a month income after becoming disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Now she is one of the best-known money saving moms on the Internet.

In her book, she shares how she did it! This book is filled with practical, everyday ideas to help anyone stretch a small income.




"I just received 'Penny Pinching Mama' and I have to say thank you for such an excellent book!"

"I recently quit a well paying but inflexible job to stay home and care for my 4 children. I was wondering how I was going to make it on our reduced income and if I had made the right decision. Well, now I know I can do it and how to do it-your book has inspired me!"


"I love your website!! I'm a stay at home mother of 3 children with another on the way. Your website makes me feel like I am not alone in wanting to live frugally. All the other parents we are friends with or related to all have a 2 income household and spend money like there is no tomorrow. In fact, I have officially now lost touch with every work place friend I had. They don't seem to understand that I can't go out to dinner with them every week like I did "pre-children". I've had to decline joining them so many times that they no longer call me to go out and they've even stopped sending me Christmas/Birthday cards."

"There is definitely pressure from society to spend, spend, spend....even if you don't have it. So, thanks for making me feel connected to the world again. I love reading your articles and the tips from your other subscribers. Thank you thank you!!"

-Laurie S


Jill’s stories provide just the inspiration you need to lift your spirits and to help you cut through the confusion! Whether you need specific examples to use in your life or just a shot of inspiration from a kindred spirit, you’ll find it in Penny Pinching Mama!

Her tips and suggestions will inspire you and help you to cut your expenses and help you get out of debt.


"As a retired Home Economics teacher and a single mother of 5, I am so pleased with the work you are doing. Many people know nothing about stretching their resources and planning ahead is one of the key steps. Thanks for all the ideas. I am constantly surprised that you guys still come up with things I've not heard of or thought of before."

-Beth M.


You will learn:

  • How to get out of debt – even with a low income!
  • How to handle emergencies without using credit cards
  • How to find great deals month after month
  • How living with teenagers doesn’t have to break the budget

"I just want to thank you so much for your articles. They are giving me new courage."


"You 2 have been a blessing to me! Thanks for providing this for us moms who need and appreciate the encouragements!!! May God Bless you both!"


"I wanted to send you a note of thanks for the information you put together. I always enjoy reading the emails and have gleaned many helpful tips from you. It has been especially helpful these last few months as we've just become a single income family due to my being laid-off just after my maternity leave."





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Customer Reviews

Based on 56 reviews
Thank You!

This book is truly appreciated.

Kirsi Sykes
Penny Pinching Mama

This is an inspirational book on how anything is possible, when you have the will to face your reality and make the seemingly impossible possible! Love the tips and stories in this book. Thank you so much for sharing your story and advice with the world!

Sandra Wegmann
Helpful tips

Read it and passed it on to a friend who will do the same -- some good ideas for those trying to survive on a small budget these days.


Penny Pinching Mama: 500 Ways I Lived On $500 A Month EBOOK

Marie Smyth
Love it

I can say it’s worth it. Love the books.